ISO Certified 9001:2008, Organization
Contact +91 755 2696776, Email: Permission Letter | National Testing Agency
As per the guidelines of CCIM and ministry of Ayush New Delhi admission in the course BAMS will be done on the basis of NEET 2020-21 examination and admission in MD/MS (ayurveda) will be done on the basis of All India Ayush Post Graduation Entrance Test 2020 if any assistance call on 07552696776. Email:
Approved by MP Government, C.C.I.M. New Delhi
Affiliated to Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur (M.P.)
& Barkatullah University, Bhopal (M.P.)
Weclome to Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College & Hospital, Bhopal List of Patients Year 2019-20
R. D. Memorial Ayurvedic PG College & Hospital
Barkhedi Kala, Bhadbhada Road, Bhopal- 462 044
Phone: +91 755-2696776 Mob:
R.D. memorial College of Ayurved at Bhopal was established on 6th July, 2002 by Shri Chitragupta Shiksha Prasar Samiti to achieve the above aims and objectives. Excellent facilities have been provided for the students in the college. In addition to education students are being trained and imparted in many other skills which enable them to achieve self reliance . During the sessions, students are also enlightened by lectures and speeches of eminent personalities of concerned area to take the best advantage in addition, to imparting education, the college ensures to develop character and ethics amongst the students
community to establish themselves in the society. In the first batch itself the results of our students remained excellent in Barkatullah University and students gained Ist rank in the university.

The Samiti had initially started Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved Mahavidyalaya & Chikitsalay in the year 2002 in the name of his mother. Gradually colleges with other courses were started in the year 2003, 2006, and 2007. The samiti is committed to start college with technical education in this current year .College established till yet are affiliated to Barakatullah University and R.G.P.V. Bhopal and Recognized by CCIM , INC , Pharmacy Council of India National Council of Teacher Education.

The college has 5 acre piece of land at Barkhedikala, Bhadbhada Road, Near Sharda Vidya Mandir school. The college has its own two separate building i.e. Academic block and Hospital block.
Academic block
The Academic block possess 14 Departments One Library
7 Lecture halls One Computer lab
4 Labs One multi purpose hall. Siting capacity is 600.
One Dissection hall Sport & Hostel Facility.
4 Museum halls  
Samhita Ras Shastra
Sharir Rachana Rog & Vikrati Vigyan
Sharir Kirya Kaya Chikitsa
Swasthavritta Shalya
Agad Tantra Shalakya
Dravya Guna Kaumarbhritya
Stri & Prasuti Tantra Panchakarma
About the Society
Shri Chitragupta Shiksha Prasar Samiti was established on 26th July, 1988. The members of the society are eminent personalities in their respective fields with a common goal to impart education to students in order to mould them as true professionals with achicving different courses such as B.A.M.S. (Ayurved Degree Course), B.Sc. Nursing, Nursing, B.Pharma, B.P.Ed, B.Ed & D.Ed who can serve the Community, country and the world with excellence and total commitment including the motto "Service Before Self". The society believes in all round development of its students and encourages them in all respect.
The aims of the society are
To impart education
To educate students of Sc/St and poor of the society.
To run job oriented courses.
To run Medical & Pharmaceutical courses.
To make students self dependent.
To carry out and help in achieving the policies of Government.
To impart best education in Medical Pharmacy and Nursing to create best manpower in Social Sectors Research & Pharmaceutical sectors.
To impart quality based ayurvedic medical education.
To Propagate health awareness in the society through ayurveda.
To provide sincere, devoted ayurvedic graduate to serve the society.
R.D. Memoral Group's of College (Our Associated Groups)
R.D.M College of Nursing, Bhopal (M.P.) RDM College of
Homoeopathy , Bhopal (MP)
R.D.M College of Education, Indore (M.P.) R.D.M College of Education, Bhander, Distt. Datia (M.P.)
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